
S.N Name Date
1 PRT Supportive Documents 2024-02-20
2 PRT EDIT Only 2024-02-20
3 Human Resource Plans 2024-02-21
4 Annual Budget 2024-02-21
5 Annual Action Plan 2024-02-21
6 A photo of wall 2024-02-21
7 Letter from university 2024-02-21
8 Survey Questionnaire for the Public Relations 2024-02-21
9 Purpose of Survey FInal 2024-02-21
10 Extended RESPONSE REPORT FINAL 2024-02-21
11 Analysis of impact of Public Relation 2024-03-07
12 Student Satisfaction Survey Form 2024-03-07
13 Analysis of Impact of Emis 2024-03-07
16 Annex 2a Minute of Board Respective Bodies 2024-04-08
17 Annex 2b: Copies of Appoint of Respective Dignitaries 2024-04-08
18 Annex 3a: Copy of MOU with Mid-West University 2024-04-08
19 Annex 3b: Copy of MUSOM Final Result(BBA MBA) 2024-04-08
20 Annex 4a: MUSOM Prospectus 2024-04-08
21 Annex 5a: Copy of Mid-West University Autonomy By-Laws 2024-04-08
22 Annex 5b: Copy of MOU om Autonomy with Mid-Western University 2024-04-08
23 Annex 6a: Copy of Board Resolution of Mid-Western University Executive Council 2024-04-08
24 Annex 8a: Copy of Mid-west University autonomy by laws 2024-04-08
25 Annex 8b: Copy of Board Resolution of Mid-Western University 2024-04-08
26 Annex 8c: Copy of MOU Relating to Autonomy with Mid-Western University 2024-04-08
27 Annex 9a: Copy of Board Resolution 2024-04-08
28 Annex 10a: MUSOM Location Map 2024-04-08
29 Annex 11a: MUSOM Prospectus 2024-04-08
30 Annex 12a: Decision of MUSOM Management Council 2024-04-08
31 Annex 12b: Structure and job of Department as written in MUSOM 2024-04-08
32 Annex 12c: Notices by Undergraduates Department for Scholarship 2024-04-08
33 Annex 12d: Result Published by Exam Section 2024-04-08
34 Annex 13a: A Copy of BHM syllabus 2024-04-08
35 Annex 13b: A Copy of BBA Entrepreneurship Program 2024-04-08
36 Annex 14a: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines 2023 2024-04-08
37 Annex 14b: Copy of notice published for recruiting teaching and non-teaching staff 2024-04-08
38 Annex 15a: List of MUSOM Faculty Members 2024-04-08
39 Annex 16a: The MUSOM Operating Regulation and Implementation Guidelines 2024-04-08
40 Annex 16b: MUSOM Class Routine of Spring 2024-04-08
41 Annex 17a: List of MUSOM Administrative Staff 2024-04-08
42 Annex 18a: MUSOM EMIS Output Screenshot 2024-04-08
43 Annex 20a: Internal Audit Report of MUSOM 2024-04-08
44 Annex 21a: Internal Audit Report of MUSOM 2024-04-08
45 Annex 22a: Copy of Semester Policy 2024-04-08
46 Annex 24a: Copy of Composition of management 2024-04-08
47 Annex 25a: Academic Calendar of MUSOM 2081 2024-04-08
48 Annex 26a: Minute of MUSOM-RMC 2024-04-08
49 Annex 27a: Copies of the MOUs between MUSOM and IIM Lucknow and IIM Indore 2024-04-08
50 Annex 27b: Copies of the MOU Between MUSOM and Bio Karnali ltd 2024-04-08
51 Annex 29a: Internal Audit Report of MUSOM 2024-04-08
52 Annex 2.1a: MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030(2076-2086), (pp.13-14) 2024-04-08
53 Annex 2.1b: Mid-West University; Quality Assurance Committee(QAC); Operational Policy and Guidelines on Quality Assurance, (pp 13-14) 2024-04-08
54 Annex 2.1c: MUSOM Operational and Implementations Guidelines 2023 2024-04-08
55 Annex 2.1d: Minute of MUSOM Governing Council Endorsing Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 2024-04-08
56 Annex 2.1e: Strategic Thrusts of MUSOM; Program Prospectus 2024-04-08
57 Annex 2.1f: MOU signed with FNCCI,Surkhet , Karnali Provience. 2024-04-08
58 Annex 2.1g: MOU signed with IIM Indore,India 2024-04-08
59 Annex 2.2a: MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 2024-04-08
60 Annex 2.2b: Annual Plan of Action 2023 2024-04-08
61 Annex 2.2c: Minute of MUSOM Governing Council Endorsing its Annual Plan of Action 2024-04-08
62 Annex 2.2d: Minutes of Review Meeting of the MUSOM Management Council. 2024-04-08
63 Annex 2.3a: Composition of MUSOM Governing Council as per Mid-West University By-Laws -2012 2024-04-09
64 Annex 2.3b: Mid-West University By-Laws-2012(3rd Revision 2074) 2024-04-09
65 Annex 2.3c: Mid-West University School of Management(MUSOM) Organogram 2024-04-09
66 Annex 2.3d: Minute if MUSOM Governing Council with Endorsement of the MUSOM Operating Regulation and implementation guidelines 2023 2024-04-09
67 Annex 2.3e: The organogram of MUSOM 2024-04-09
68 Annex 2.3e: The organogram of MUSOM 2024-04-09
69 Annex 2.4a: Formation of IQAC; Mid-West University Quality Assurance Council (QAC); POLICIES & GUIDELINES FOR INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE 2023, (PP 15-16). 2024-04-09
70 Annex 2.4b: Formation of SAT; Mid-West University Quality Assurance Committee (QAC); Policies & Guidelines for Internal Quality Assurance 2023, (pp. 13-14). 2024-04-09
71 Annex 2.4c: Endorsement of IQAC; Minute of Mid-West University School of Management (MUSOM) Endorsing Formation of Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC). 2024-04-09
72 Annex 2.4d: Endorsement of SAT; Minute of Mid-West University School of Management (MUSOM) Endorsing Formation of Self- Assessment Team (SAT). 2024-04-09
73 Annex 2.5a: Mid-West University Autonomy By-laws 2018, (pp. 3-19). 2024-04-09
74 Annex 2.5b: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023, (pp.23-28). 2024-04-09
75 Annex 2.5c: Policy Documentation; POLICIES & GUIDELINES FOR INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE 2023, (PP.14-16) 2024-04-09
76 Annex 2.6a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023, Teaching Faculty Performance Criteria, Instrument 1: Coworker Rated Anchors, (pp. 83-103). 2024-04-09
77 Annex 2.6b: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023, Teaching Faculty Performance Criteria, 2019; Instrument 2: Student Rated Anchors (pp. 83-103). 2024-04-09
78 Annex 2.6c: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023, Teaching Faculty Performance Criteria, 2023; Instrument 3: Subordinate Rated Anchors (pp. 83-103). 2024-04-09
79 Annex 2.6d: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023, Teaching Faculty Performance Criteria, 2019; Instrument 4: Supervisor Rated Anchors (pp. 83-103). 2024-04-09
80 Annex 2.6f: Minute of MUSOM Governing Council with Endorsement of the MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023. 2024-04-09
81 Annex 2.7a: Value System of Mid-West University; Mid-West University, POLICIES & GUIDELINES FOR INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE 2023 (PP.24.) 2024-04-09
82 Annex 2.7b: MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030; Core Institutional Values, Point Four, (p. 3). 2024-04-09
83 Annex 2.7c: Annual Calendar of Operation of MUSOM for the Year 2080-2081 2024-04-09
84 Annex 2.8a: A Concept Note on Proposed Higher Education Plan of the Government of Karnali Province 2019 2024-04-09
85 Annex 2. 8b: Concept Note; Mid-West University School of Management, Endowment-based BBA Program for Rural Communities 2024-04-09
86 Annex 2. 8c: A Copy of ESP Proposal 2024-04-09
87 Annex 2.9a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023; function and duties of Alumni, Student Welfare Council, Parent's Council, MUSOM Quality Circle, (pp 14-16). 2024-04-09
88 Annex 2.10a: Meeting Minutes of Parent's Council. 2024-04-09
89 Annex 2. 10b: A Copy of academic audit minutes 2024-04-09
90 Annex 2.11a: Minutes of the MUSOM Management Council Endorsing the Formation of SWC. 2024-04-09
91 Annex 2.11b: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines – 2019; Formation of SWC and QC (pp.71-73). 2024-04-09
92 Annex 2.11c: Minutes of the IQAC Endorsing the Formation and Membership in the QC. 2024-04-09
93 Annex 2.11d: Minutes of the IQAC showing participation of student as a member in the IQAC. 2024-04-09
94 Annex 2.11e: MU Autonomy Bylaws 2075 B.S. (Revised 2077 BS) page no. 9. 2024-04-09
95 Annex 2.12a: Minutes and Academic Audit Report of the Joint-Monitoring Committee Constituting Mid-West University, Faculty of Management, Office of the Dean, and Office of the Directorate, Planning, D 2024-04-09
96 Annex 2.12b: Minutes and Joint Academic Audit Report of the Internal Committees of MUSOM. 2024-04-09
97 Annex 2.13a: Sample Copies of Semester-Wise Course Delivery Plans with Evidence- Based Practices on Linking Course Teaching and Research. 2024-04-09
98 Annex 2.13b: List of MUSOM-DRIE Mini Research Project winning Teachers in On- going Season with Provision for Engaging Students as Young Researchers in collaborative research and applied research. 2024-04-09
99 Annex 2.13c: MUSOM MBA and BBA Course Cycles Indicating Provision for Research as an Integral Curricular Aspect. 2024-04-09
100 Annex 2.13d: MUSOM Internship Guidelines 2020 Indicating Provision for Internship by Research, (pp. 1, 6). 2024-04-09
101 Annex 2.14a: A Copy of Schedule for Business Model Competition and photo of students' participation. 2024-04-09
102 Annex 2.14b: Photo of Field Study on Ekheni Community of Surkhet 2024-04-09
103 Annex 2.15a: Records of the Activities Held to Contribute Institutional Growth and Development Innovation 2024-04-09
104 Volume 2; Annex 2.15b: Decisions of the MUSOM Management Council for the DRIE Plan 2076/077. 2024-04-09
105 Annex 2.15c: Publications of MUSOM-DRIE. 2024-04-09
106 Annex 2.15d: Certificates of Best Business School of Karnali Province by New Business Age. 2024-04-09
107 Annex 3.16a: Strategic Thrusts of MUSOM; Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076-2086 BS), (pp. 12-21). 2024-04-09
108 Annex 3.16b: Academic Calendar of MUSOM 2019/2020 2024-04-09
109 Annex 3.16d: Syllabus of All Program of MUSOM; BBA and MBA 2024-04-09
110 Annex 3.16e: MUSOM Website Screenshot. 2024-04-09
111 Annex 3.16f: Academic Audit and Quality Check Report-2020 2024-04-09
112 Annex 3.17a: Daily Class Routine of Spring 2023. 2024-04-09
113 Annex 3.17b: Prospectus of MBA and BBA Programs; Elective Subjects Offered, (pp.12; 14). 2024-04-09
114 Annex 3.17c: Syllabus of MBA Program, (pp. a-b), and BBA Program, (pp. i-ii). 2024-04-09
115 Annex 3.17d: MUSOM Website Screenshot. 2024-04-09
116 Annex 3.17e: Minute and Recommendation of Management Council 2024-04-09
117 Annex 3.18a: Course Cycles of MBA and BBA Programs Indicating List of Numerical Subjects Offered. 2024-04-09
118 Annex 3.18b: Sample of Session Plan Indicating Multi-Mode Teaching-Learning System 2024-04-09
119 Annex 3.18c: MUSOM Website Screenshot 2024-04-09
120 Annex 3.18d: Visuals of the Classroom Proceedings. 2024-04-09
121 Annex 3.18e: Annual Plan of Action on ECA for the Year 2019/2020. 2024-04-09
122 Annex 3.18f: MUSOM Academic Calendar for the Year 2019/2020. 2024-04-09
123 Annex 3.19a: MUSOM International English Teaching and Testing System – 2019. 2024-04-09
124 Annex 3.19b: Mid-West University; Faculty of Management, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Syllabus, 2018; Course Cycle. 2024-04-09
125 Annex 3.19c: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines - 2019, (pp.79, 192). 2024-04-09
126 Annex 3.19d: MUSOM Academic Calendar 2020/2021 2024-04-09
127 Annex 3.19e: Minute Management Council for the Endorsement of Additional Focused Programs. 2024-04-09
128 Annex 3.19f: Copies of MoUs between MUSOM and IIM Indore & IIM Lucknow 2024-04-09
129 Annex 3.20a: Mid-West University Autonomous By-laws 2018/2019; Formation, Function of Academic Committee, (pp. 10-12). 2024-04-09
130 Annex 3.20b: Minute of Governing Council on Formation of Academic Committee. 2024-04-09
131 Annex 3.20c: Annual Plan of Action of MUSOM - 2023 2024-04-09
132 Annex 3.20d: Minute of MUSOM Academic Committee Endorsing Curriculum Revision Committee Formation 2024-04-09
133 Annex 3.21a: Mid-West University Autonomous By-laws 2075; Formation, Function of Academic Committee, (pp. 10-12) 2024-04-09
134 Annex 3.21b: Minute of Management Council on Formation of Instructional Committees, Teacher Council, Parents' Council, Student Council and Quality Circle 2024-04-09
135 Annex 3.21c: Minute of Instruction Committees, Teacher Council, Parents' Council Student Council and Quality Circle 2024-04-09
136 Annex 3.21d: MUSOM Visitors' Logbook 2024-04-09
137 Annex 3.22a: MOU signed with FNCCI, Surkhet, Karnali Province 2024-04-09
138 Annex 3.22b: MOU singed with feeder schools 2024-04-09
139 Annex 3.23a: Strategic Thrusts of MUSOM; Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076-2086 BS), (p. 19). 2024-04-09
140 Annex 3.23b: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines – 2019; MUSOM BBA and MBA Students Scholarship (pp. 58). 2024-04-09
141 Annex 3.23c: News cut Student supporting Aamaghar 2024-04-09
142 Annex 3.24a: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines - 2019, Policy about ECA (p. 70). 2024-04-09
143 Annex 3.24b: Photos of Business Competition Model. 2024-04-09
144 Annex 3.25a: Student Code of Conduct and Faculty Code of Conduct of MUSOM 2016. 2024-04-09
145 Annex 3.25b: Guest Lecturers Photos with Captions 2023 2024-04-09
146 Annex 3.25c: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023, GRP Report Writing Manual (pp.213-235). 2024-04-09
147 Annex 4.26a: MUSOM MBA Program Course Structure (Revision 2019, p. 3). 2024-04-09
148 Annex 4.26b: Admission Policy of MUSOM; Program Prospectus of Mid-West University School of Management (MUSOM), (pp. 9-14). 2024-04-09
149 Annex 4.26c: Academic Calendar Indicating New Admission Schedule. 2024-04-09
150 Annex 4.26d: Published Admission Notice in the National and Local Level Newspapers and Social Media 2024-04-09
151 Annex 4.26e: Admission Notice: MUSOM Website Screenshot. 2024-04-09
152 Annex 4.26f: Documents Indicating Final Result of Entrance Test 2024-04-09
153 Annex 4.26g: Documents Indicating Decision of Admission Committee 2024-04-09
154 Annex 4.27a: Samples of Course Delivery Session Plans Indicating the Provision of Aptitude Test of Students on the Very First Session of Each Subject 2024-04-09
155 Annex 4.27b: Samples of Question Papers of Admission Test of BBA and MBA Programs 2024-04-09
156 Annex 4.28a: Minutes of the Faculty Meeting on Supporting Academically Poor Performing and Disadvantaged Students. 2024-04-09
157 Annex 4.29a: Minutes of Respective Instructional Committees 2024-04-09
158 Annex 4.29b: Sample Copies of Teaching plans submitted by teachers. 2024-04-09
159 Annex 4.30a: Academic Calendars of MUSOM 2080.replace it 2024-04-09
160 Annex 4.30b: Semester-wise Course Cycles of the Academic Programs Offered at MUSOM 2024-04-09
161 Annex 4.31a: Institutional Policy on Sample Methods of Teaching–Learning 2024-04-09
162 Annex 4.31b: Teaching Plans of the Faculties Having List of Teaching Methods and Process. 2024-04-09
163 Annex 4.31c: Visuals of Class Teaching Using Technologies/Multi-modal Approaches 2024-04-09
164 Annex 4.31d: Report and Photos of the Field Visit. 2024-04-09
165 Annex 4.31e. Photos and Work Plan of Presentation and Community Visit 2024-04-09
166 Annex 4.32a: List of Technology and Equipment 2024-04-09
167 Annex 4.32b: Visuals of Different Departments and Works in Progress. 2024-04-09
168 Annex 4.34aa: Academic Calendar 2019/2020 2024-04-09
169 Annex 4.33a: Statistical Data 2017/2018 (2073/2074). 2024-04-09
170 Annex 4.33c: Academic Calendar 2019/2020 (2076/2077) 2024-04-09
171 Annex 4.34aa: Academic Calendar 2019/2020. 2024-04-09
172 Annex 4.34ab: Screenshot of the MUSOM Website. 2024-04-09
173 Annex 4.34ac: Copy of the Announcement for Orientation Program. 2024-04-09
174 Annex 4.34ad: Attendance of Participants in the Orientation Program 2024-04-09
175 Annex 4.34ae: Slides of Presentation in the Orientation programs 2024-04-09
176 Annex 4.34ba: Sample Document Indicating Internal Evaluation of Students; Mid- West University School of Management (MUSOM), Graduate Learning Performance Evaluation System - 2020. 2024-04-09
177 Annex 4.34bb: Sample Copies of Detailed Session Plans Containing Mechanism for Learning Evaluation 2024-04-09
178 Annex 4.35a: Academic Calendar 2024-04-09
179 Annex 4.35b: Course Delivery Plans of Teachers and Monitoring/Follow-up. 2024-04-09
180 Annex 4.35c: Minutes of the Examination Committee 2024-04-09
181 Annex 4.35d: Internal Exam Result Analysis 2024-04-09
182 Annex 4.35e: Minutes of Teacher/Staff Meeting Discussing the Students Level of Learning and Development 2024-04-09
183 Annex 4.36a: Mid-Western University Autonomy Bylaws 2075; Formation of Selection Committee (P.16) 2024-04-09
184 Annex 4.36b: Sample Copies of Job Advertisements 2024-04-09
185 Annex 4.37a: Appointment Letters. 2024-04-09
186 Annex 4.37b: Appointment Decision of the MUSOM Management Council. 2024-04-09
187 Annex 4.38aa: Mid-West University By-laws Autonomy – 2018 2024-04-09
188 Annex 4.38ab: Memorandum of Understanding between MWU Executive Council and MUSOM – 2018 2024-04-09
189 Annex 4.38ac: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2019, Working Procedures of Selection Committee. (pp. 10-11) 2024-04-09
190 Annex 4.38ad: Evidential Documents of Real Selection Process 2024-04-09
191 Annex 4.38ba: Class Routine of MBA &BBA Program 2024-04-09
192 Annex 4.38bb: Record of Visiting Faculty. 2024-04-09
193 Annex 4.38bc: Remuneration Sheet for Visiting faculty. 2024-04-09
194 Annex 4.39a: Annual Budget Status of MUSOM for the FY 2019/2020. 2024-04-09
195 Annex 4.39b: List of Participants Attending Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops 2024-04-09
196 Annex 4.39c: Invitation Letters and Certificates of Participation 2024-04-09
197 Annex 4.40a: Sample of Self-Appraisal Form 2024-04-09
198 Annex 4.40b: Official Records of Self-Appraisal filled-up forms 2024-04-09
199 Annex 4.41a: Different Format of Performance Appraisal/Peer Appraisal. 2024-04-09
200 Annex 4.42a: Questionnaires for Collecting Student Perception on Their Experience in the Institution. 2024-04-09
201 Annex 4.42b: Notice for Student Evaluation on MUSOM Experience 2024-04-09
202 Annex 4.42c: Academic Calendar of MUSOM 2019/020 2024-04-09
203 Annex 4.43a: MUSOM, Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076-2086 BS), Faculty Development and Empowerment Program (p. 14). 2024-04-09
204 Annex 4.43b: Annual Budget for 2019/2020. 2024-04-09
205 Annex 4.43c: Details of Programs Held (Notices, Programs, Schedules, List of Participants, Attendance Records). 2024-04-09
206 Annex 4.44a: MUSOM Annual Plan of Action 2023, Faculty Priorities, Development Programs of MUSOM (pp. 11-13) 2024-04-09
207 Annex 4.44b: Evidence of Participants Involved in Training, Orientation, Seminar, Workshops. 2024-04-09
208 Annex 4.44c: Seminar, Conference, Workshop Minute Records. 2024-04-09
209 Annex 4. 44e: LMS Training for Faculty Members 2020 2024-04-09
210 Annex 4.44f: One-Day Workshop on Question Paper Design and Case Solving Method 2021. 2024-04-09
211 Annex 4.45a: Records and Visuals of Technologies in Use 2024-04-09
212 Annex 4.46a: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines - 2019; On National and International Linkages 2024-04-09
213 Annex 4.46b: Copy of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between MUSOM and IIM Indore and IIM Lucknow. 2024-04-09
214 Annex 4.46c: Copies of Agreements Signed with Other National Institutions 2024-04-09
215 Annex 5.47a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2019; MUSOM RMC Guideline and Procedures (PP. 50- 56) 2024-04-10
216 Annex 5.47b: Budget of MUSOM 2022/2023 (2078/2079). 2024-04-10
217 Annex 5.47c: Minute of Governing Council on Approval of MUSOM Budget for FY 2022/202023 (2079/2080). 2024-04-10
218 Annex 5.47d: MUSOM Audit Report 2078/79. 2024-04-10
219 Annex 5.48a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023; GRP manual (see114-123). 2024-04-10
220 Annex 5.48b: Minute of DRIE on Mini Research Proposal Defense 2024-04-10
221 Annex 5.48c: List of faculty getting seed money 2024-04-10
222 Annex 5.48c: A Copy of Minute of Decision by Management Council on Providing Seed Money to Faculty Studying MPhil 2024-04-10
223 Annex 5.49a: Strategic Thrusts of MUSOM; Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076-2086 BS), (P. 15) 2024-04-10
224 Annex 5.50a: Notice of MUSOM on Allocation of GRP/UGRP Supervisors 2024-04-10
225 Annex 5.50b: Letter of Confirmation of MPhil Research Scholars of Faculty of Management MPhil and PhD Program, Mid-West University. 2024-04-10
226 Annex 5.50c: Minute of MUSOM-DRIE on Award and Supervision of Mini Research 2024-04-10
227 Annex 5.53a: Budget of MUSOM for FY 2021/2022 (2078/2079). 2024-04-10
228 Annex 5.53b: Minute of Management Council on Fellowship Support to the Faculty Members 2024-04-10
229 Annex 5.54b: Minute of MUSOM-RMC on Mini Research 2024-04-10
230 Annex 5.54c: Details of Research Supported by MUSOM-DRIE. 2024-04-10
231 Annex 5.56a: Minute of MUSOM-MRC on Publishing the Voice of MUSOM. 2024-04-10
232 Annex 5.54a: Letter of MUSOM-RMC for Conducting Mini Research. 2024-04-10
233 Annex 5.50d: List of Research Papers of the Teachers Published in Reputed Journals within Last Four Years. 2024-04-10
234 Annex 5.56b: Copy of Cover of the Voice of MUSOM: Bi-annual Peer Reviewed Research Journal 2024-04-10
235 Annex 5.56c: Copy of Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Studies (JEMS). 2024-04-10
236 Annex 5.57a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines 2023, Outreach and Extension Coordinator (p. 8). 2024-04-10
237 Annex 5.57b: Minute of MUSOM Governing Council on the MUSOM Operating Regulations and Development Implementation Guidelines - 2023. 2024-04-10
238 Annex 5.57c: MUSOM Annual Action Plan 2023; (Pp. 8-10). 2024-04-10
239 Annex 5. 57d: A Copy of an Agreement with FNCCI, Karnali Province. 2024-04-10
240 Annex 5.58a: Minute of Management Council on Formulation of the CCIC and Appointment of the Coordinator 2024-04-10
241 Annex 5.59a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines 2023, Outreach and Extension Coordinator (p. 72). 2024-04-10
242 Annex 5.59b: Appointment of the Head. 2024-04-10
243 Annex 5.59c: MUSOM Annual Budget 2019/2020. 2024-04-10
244 Annex 5.59d: MUSOM Academic Calendar 2080 2024-04-10
245 Annex 5.59e: MUSOM Plan of Action 2023 2024-04-10
246 Annex 5. 59f: Photo of MUSOM Primary Health Care. 2024-04-10
247 Annex 5.60a: MUSOM Annual Budget 2019/2020 2024-04-10
248 Annex 5.60b: MUSOM Academic Calendar 2023 2024-04-10
249 Annex 5.60c: MUSOM Plan of Action 2022/2023. 2024-04-10
250 Annex 5.60d: Report of Health Camp on Women Health and Sanitation. 2024-04-10
251 Annex 5.61a: Strategic Thrusts of MUSOM; Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076-2086 BS), (pp. 9,19) 2024-04-10
252 Annex 5.61b: Minute of MUSOM IQAC on Extension Activities for the Encouragement 2024-04-10
253 Annex 5.61c: The MUSOM Academic Development Implementation Guidelines 2019, Concept Paper on MUSOM Leadership Training Project to School, (PP.192-194) 2024-04-10
254 Annex 5.62a: Strategic Thrusts of MUSOM; Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076-2086 BS), (pp 9, 19) 2024-04-10
255 Annex 5.62b: Minute of MUSOM-IQAC on Extension Activities for the Encouragement 2024-04-10
256 Annex 6.63a: Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (pp. 10, 15-16). 2024-04-10
257 Annex 6.63b: MUSOM Annual Plan of Action 2023 (p. 17). 2024-04-10
258 Annex 6.63c: Minute of MUSOM Governing Council Endorsing the MUSOM Annual Plan of Action 2019/2020 2024-04-10
259 Annex 6.63d: Photos of under-construction buildings of MUSOM 2024-04-10
260 Annex 6. 63e: Plan Submitted to UGC under HERP and Plan reported to World Bank Meeting 2024-04-10
261 Annex 6.64ba: Visuals of Computer Lab, Library, Classrooms, ECA/CCA Centers, Community Level Events, etc. 2024-04-10
262 Annex 6.65a: Minute of MUSOM Procurement Committee on Repair and Maintenance Scheme. 2024-04-10
263 Annex 6.65b: Running Year's Annual Budget on Repair and Maintenance. 2024-04-10
264 Annex 6.66a: MUSOM Management Council Decision on Utilization of Infrastructure Facilities 2024-04-10
265 Annex 6.66b: MUSOM Management Council Decision on Running MBA Evening and BBA Day Program. 2024-04-10
266 Annex 6.66c: MUSOM Management Council Decision on Running Executive Development, Outreach and Extension Study Programs 2024-04-10
267 Annex 6.67a: MUSOM Management Council Decision on Permitting External Agencies Using MUSOM Academic Resources 2024-04-10
268 Annex 6.68b: Support to MPhil and Central Campus of Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-04-10
269 Annex 6.68a: MUSOM Management Council Minutes on Formation of MUSOM Student Welfare Council 2024-04-10
270 Annex 6.68b: Visuals of Student Welfare Council Activities. 2024-04-10
271 Annex 6.69a: Minute of MUSOM Management Council Making Decision to Establish a Computer Lab. 2024-04-10
272 Annex 6.69b: MUSOM Annual Plan of Action 2019/2020, (P.19). 2024-04-10
273 Annex 6.69c: Visuals of the Use of Computers in Different Departments. 2024-04-10
274 Annex 6.70a: Public Notice Placed Outside the Computer Lab. 2024-04-10
275 Annex 6.70b: MUSOM Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Computer Lab. 2024-04-10
276 Annex 6.71aa: Visuals of the Departments Indicating Computers in Place. 2024-04-10
277 Annex 6.71ab: Officially Updated List of Computer/Equipment in Use. 2024-04-10
278 Annex 6.71ba: Visuals of Departments Showing Facilities 2024-04-10
279 Annex 6.71bb: Minute of MUSOM Management Council Endorsing Decision on Procuring CCTV and Intercom. 2024-04-10
280 Annex 6.72a: Sample of Power-Point Presentation Prepared by Student and Teacher. 2024-04-10
281 Annex 6.73a: Minute of MUSOM Management Council Endorsing the Decision on Maintaining or Updating the Computer Facilities. 2024-04-10
282 Annex 6.73b: Roster of Suppliers and Service Provider 2024-04-10
283 Annex 6.73c: Agreement with the Supplier and Service Providers 2024-04-10
284 Annex 6.74a: Record of Digital Library and its Services. 2024-04-10
285 Annex 6.74b: Procurement Process for upgraded EMIS. 2024-04-10
286 Annex 6.75a: MUSOM Organogram Showing Health Service Unit 2024-04-10
287 Annex 6.75b: Visuals of Health Service Camps and Blood Donation Events in Different Places. 2024-04-10
288 Annex 6.76a: Minute of MUSOM Management Council on Developing Sports Infrastructure and Facilities. 2024-04-10
289 Annex 6.76b: List of Physical Infrastructure Available for Sports and Physical Education. 2024-04-10
290 Annex 6.76c: Visuals of Sporting Places and Events Organized at MUSOM. 2024-04-10
291 Annex 6.77b: MUSOM Annual Plan of Action 2019/2020, (P.27). 2024-04-10
292 Annex 6.78a: Account Records Showing the List of the Students Participated in Different Programs. 2024-04-10
293 Annex 6.78b: Sample Copies of Certificates Awarded to the Participants 2024-04-10
294 Annex 6.78c: Annual Progress Report of MUSOM Highlighting Student Participated Events 2024-04-10
295 Annex 6.80a: Visuals of Infrastructures 2024-04-10
296 Annex 6.81aa: MUSOM Library Operating Rules 2024-04-10
297 Annex 6.81ba: MUSOM Library Operating Rules. 2024-04-10
298 Annex 6.81bb: Visuals of the Library Usage 2024-04-10
299 Annex 6.82a: List of the Resources in the Library of MUSOM 2024-04-10
300 Annex 6.82b: Copy of Software Generated Library Details 2024-04-10
301 Annex 6.82c: Copy of bill paid. 2024-04-10
302 Annex 6.83a: Annual Budget of MUSOM Showing Library Expenses. 2024-04-10
303 Annex 6.83b: Procurement Plan/Contracts/Rosters of Suppliers of Library 2024-04-10
304 Annex 6.83c: Store Inventory Record of the Resources 2024-04-10
305 Annex 6.83d: Library Records of the Resources. 2024-04-10
306 Annex 6.84a: Photos of the library of MUSOM 2024-04-10
307 Annex 6.84b: List of the resources in the library. 2024-04-10
308 Annex 6.84c: Minutes of the Library Management Committee. 2024-04-10
309 Annex 6.85a: Organogram of MUSOM Library 2024-04-10
310 Annex 6.85b: Minutes of Library Management Committee. 2024-04-10
311 Annex 6.86a: MUSOM Annual Plan of Action 2021 (2076) (p. 19) 2024-04-10
312 Annex 6.86b: Workshop on Library Management 2024-04-10
313 Annex 6.87a: Copy of Automatically Generated List of Library Resources. 2024-04-10
314 Annex 6.87b: MUSOM Library Policy and Procedures 2024-04-10
315 Annex 6.88a: Annual Budget 2078/079 of MUSOM Showing the Budget for Library. 2024-04-10
316 Annex 6.89a: Organogram of Library of MUSOM. 2024-04-10
317 Annex 6.89b: MUSOM Library Operating Rules 2024-04-10
318 Annex 6.89c: Visuals of the Department of Library in Action 2024-04-10
319 Annex 6.90a: Copy of Library Records 2024-04-10
320 Annex 6.90b: Sample Copies from Visitor’s Logbook. 2024-04-10
321 Annex 6.90c: Library Record of Log-ins in E-library. 2024-04-10
322 Annex 7.91a: Exam Attendance Record of the Students of BBA 2012/2016 Batch 2024-04-10
323 Annex 7.91b: Exam Attendance Record of the Students of MBA 2012/2014 Batch. 2024-04-10
324 Annex 7.91c: Academic Records of Dropouts and Progression of BBA 2012/2016 Batch 2024-04-10
325 Annex 7.91d: Academic Records of Dropouts and Progression of MBA 2012/2014 Batch 2024-04-10
326 Annex 7.92a: Minute of Management Council on Conducting BBA and MBA Graduate Tracer Study 2019 2024-04-10
327 Annex 7.93a: Minute of Management Council on Publishing of the Prospectus of MUSOM. 2024-04-10
328 Annex 7.93b: Program Prospectus of MUSOM 2020 2024-04-10
329 Annex 7.94a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023, (pp.42-48). 2024-04-10
330 Annex 7.94b: Minute of MUSOM Governing Council Passing the MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines 2023. 2024-04-10
331 Annex 7.94c: Strategic Thrusts: MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076- 2086 BS). 2024-04-10
332 Annex 7.94d: Program Prospectus of MUSOM 2020, (p.10). 2024-04-10
333 Annex 7.95a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023, Scholarship, Fellowship and Research Support, (pp.42-48). 2024-04-10
334 Annex 7.95b: Strategic Thrusts; MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076- 2086 BS) (12, 13, 15, 20). 2024-04-10
335 Annex 7.95c: Copies of the MoUs with Different Organizations on Providing Financial Support to the Students of MUSOM 2024-04-10
336 Annex 7.95d: List of Students Scholarship 2024-04-10
337 Annex 7.96a: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines - 2019, Internship Procedure, (pp. 80-82). 2024-04-10
338 Annex 7.96b: Minute of Management Council on Formation of Internship and Placement Unit and Appointment of Teachers in the Functional Committee. 2024-04-10
339 Annex 7.96c: Job Description of Internship and Placement Coordinator, 2020. 2024-04-10
340 Annex 7.96d: List of the Students Working at Various Organizations on Internship or Independent Engagement 2024-04-10
341 Annex 7.97a: Job Description of Internship, Guidance and Placement Coordinator. 2024-04-10
342 Annex 7.97b: List of the Faculties Participated in Academic and Personal Counseling of Students 2024-04-10
343 Annex 7.97c: Minute of Internship and Placement Unit Directing Teacher Involvement on Academic and Personal Counseling of the Students. 2024-04-10
344 Annex 7.97d: Minute of Internship, Guidance and Placement on Academic and Personal Counseling of Students 2024-04-10
345 Annex 7.98a: Newspaper Notice for Placement 2024-04-10
346 Annex 7.98b: List of the Students Employed through MUSOM Internship and Placement Unit During Last One Year. 2024-04-10
347 Annex 7.99a: Job Description of Internship, Guidance and Placement Coordinator. 2024-04-10
348 Annex 7.99b: List of the Students Self Employed through Placement Services during Last Year. 2024-04-10
349 Annex 7.100a: Minutes of Management Council on the Formulation of MUSOM Student Alumni 2024-04-10
350 Annex 7.100b: Visuals of Performing the Various Activities 2024-04-10
351 Annex 7.100c: MUSOM Organizational Chart Showing Student Alumni. 2024-04-10
352 Annex 7.101a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2019, (PP. 74-75). 2024-04-10
353 Annex 7.101b: Minutes of Admission Committee on Taking Admission Decisions and Modalities of Program Promotion 2024-04-10
354 Annex 7.101c: Program Prospectus of MUSOM 2020, (pp.10). 2024-04-10
355 Annex 7.101d: MUSOM Website Screenshot. 2024-04-10
356 Annex 7.102a: MUSOM Annual Plan of Action- 2019/020 (2076) (p. 22) 2024-04-10
357 Annex 7.102b: MUOSM Strategic Thrusts; MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076-2086BS) (p. 18) 2024-04-10
358 Annex 7.102c: MUSOM Policy and Procedures for International Applicants. 2024-04-10
359 Annex 7.103a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023, (pp 72-73). 2024-04-10
360 Annex 7.96e: MUSOM Organogram Showing Internship, Guideline and Placement Committee. 2024-04-10
361 ; Annex 7.103b: MUOSM Strategic Thrusts; MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019- 2030 (2076-2086BS) (P.18). 2024-04-10
362 Annex 7.103c: MUSOM Annual Plan of Action- 2023 (p. 22) 2024-04-10
363 Annex 7.103d: MUSOM Policy and Procedures for International Applicants. 2024-04-10
364 Annex 7.103d: MUSOM Policy and Procedures for International Applicants. 2024-04-10
365 Annex 7.104a: Minutes of MUSOM Management Council on Appointment of Outreach and Extension Coordinator 2024-04-10
366 Annex 7.104b: Minutes of MUSOM Management Council on the Formulation of Various Authorized and Supportive Bodies (CCIC, Teacher Council, Student Council) with Defined Job Responsibilities. 2024-04-10
367 Annex 7.104c: MUSOM Website Screenshot 2024-04-10
368 Annex 7.104d: Notices and Visuals of Various Recreational Activities Accomplished within Last One Year. 2024-04-10
369   2024-04-12
370 Annex 8.105a: MUSOM Organogram Showing MIS Library and Public Information Committee 2024-04-12
371 Annex 8.105b: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023, (PP. 59). 2024-04-12
372 Annex 8.105c: Minutes of MUSOM Management Council on Formation of EMIS Department with its functional mandate. 2024-04-12
373 Annex 8.105d: MUSOM Website Screenshot 2024-04-12
374 Annex 8.106a: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines - 2019, (PP. 68-69). 2024-04-12
375 Annex 8.106b: Minute of Management Council on Formation of EMIS. 2024-04-12
376 Annex 8.106c: MUSOM EMIS URL Screenshot 2024-04-12
377 Annex 8.107a: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines - 2019, (PP. 68-69). 2024-04-12
378 Annex 8.107b: Minute of Management Council on the EMIS 2024-04-12
379 Volume 8; Annex 8.107c: MUSOM EMIS URL Screenshot 2024-04-12
380 Annex 8.108a: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines - 2019, (PP. 68-69). 2024-04-12
381 Annex 8.108b: MUSOM Annual Plan of Action 2019/2020 (2076) (P. 19) 2024-04-12
382 Annex 8.108c: Minute of EMIS Committee Meeting on Information Exchange of EMIS 2024-04-12
383 Annex 8.108d: MUSOM EMIS URL Screenshot. 2024-04-12
384 Annex 8.109a: MUSOM EMIS Screenshot. 2024-04-12
385 Annex 8.109b: Institution Defined Process of EMIS registration, login and Logout 2024-04-12
386 Annex 8.109c: MUSOM Short Guideline for the Operation of EMIS 2024-04-12
387 Annex 8.110a: MUSOM EMIS Comment Box Screenshot 2024-04-12
388 Annex 8.111a: MUSOM EMIS Screenshot. Revealing the User Comments as Part of Impact Analyses. 2024-04-12
389 Annex 8.111b: Documents Confirming Public Certification of the Institution on Best Performance. Top Performing Business School in the Karnali Region. 2024-04-12
390 Annex 8.111c: Academic Audit and Quality Check Report - 2076. 2024-04-12
391 Annex 8.112a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023, (PP. 59). 2024-04-12
392 Annex 8.112b: Minute of Faculty and Staff Meeting on the Quality Improvement 2024-04-12
393 Annex 9.113a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023, (pp. 13-14). 2024-04-12
394 Annex 9.113b: MUOSM Strategic Thrusts; MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076-2086 BS) (P. 19) 2024-04-12
395 Annex 9.113c: Minute of Management Council on Formation of Public Information Cell. 2024-04-12
396 Annex 9.113d: MUSOM Website Screenshot. 2024-04-12
397 Annex 9.114a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023, (pp. 13-14). 2024-04-12
398 Annex 9.114a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023, (pp. 13-14). 2024-04-12
399 Annex 9.114b: MUSOM Organizational Chart Showing Public Information Cell. Volume 9; Annex 9.114c: Notice on MUSOM Website Screenshot. 2024-04-12
400 Annex 9.114d: MUSOM Social Media Screenshot. 2024-04-12
401 Annex 9.115a: Visuals of Notice Board of MUSOM 2024-04-12
402 Annex 9.115a: Visuals of Notice Board of MUSOM 2024-04-12
403 Annex 9.115b: MBA Admission Notice on MUSOM Website Screenshot. 2024-04-12
404 Annex 9.115c: MUSOM Published Data and Press Collection Information Cut-Outs, Pictures 2019/2020. 2024-04-12
405 Annex 9.116a: Minute of Management Council on Public Information System Approach 2024-04-12
406 Annex 9.116b: MUSOM Website Screenshot. 2024-04-12
407 Annex 9.117a: MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030. 2024-04-12
408 Annex 9.117b: Minute of Management Council on Public Information Cell. 2024-04-12
409 Annex 9.117c: MUSOM Published Calendar, Other Data and Information Visuals for 2019/2020 2024-04-12
410 Annex 9.117d: MUSOM Website Screenshot. 2024-04-12
411 Annex 9.118a: MUOSM Strategic Thrusts; MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019- 2030 (2076-2086 BS) (P. 19) 2024-04-12
412 Annex 9.118b: Minute of Management Council on Public Information Cell. 2024-04-12
413 Annex 9.118c: Received Feedback and Comment at Suggestion Box, Email and Social Networking 2024-04-12
414 Annex 9.118d: MUSOM Organizational Chart Showing Public Information Cell. 2024-04-12
415 Annex 9.119a: MUOSM Strategic Thrusts; MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019- 2030 (2076-2086 BS) (P. 19) 2024-04-12
416 Annex 9.119b: Minute of Management Council on Public Information Cell 2024-04-12
417 Annex 9.119c: Received Feedback and Comment at Suggestion Box, Email and Social Networking 2019/2020 2024-04-12
418 Annex 9.120a: Institutional Performance Appreciation and Awards Received as the Best Business School of the Karnali Region; The New Business Age Award. 2024-04-12
419 Annex 9.120b: Sample Copies of Positive Comments Received through Comment Drop boxes (Physical and Virtual]. 2024-04-12
420 Annex 9.120c: Academic Audit and Quality Check Report - 2020 2024-04-12
421 Annex 4.44d: list of faculty attending MPhil program. 2024-04-12
422 Annex 2.6a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023, Teaching Faculty Performance Criteria, Instrument 1: Coworker Rated Anchors, (pp. 83-103). 2024-04-12
423 Annex 2.6b: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023, Teaching Faculty Performance Criteria, 2019; Instrument 2: Student Rated Anchors (pp. 83-103). 2024-04-12
424 Annex 2.6c: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023, Teaching Faculty Performance Criteria, 2023; Instrument 3: Subordinate Rated Anchors (pp. 83-103). 2024-04-12
425 Annex 2.6d: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023, Teaching Faculty Performance Criteria, 2019; Instrument 4: Supervisor Rated Anchors (pp. 83-103). 2024-04-12
426 Annex 2.6e: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023, Teaching Faculty Performance Criteria; Instrument 5: Self Rated Anchors (pp. 83-103). 2024-04-12
427 Annex 2.6f: Minute of MUSOM Governing Council with Endorsement of the MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023. 2024-04-12
428 Annex 3.17a: Daily Class Routine of Spring 2023. 2024-04-12
429 Annex 3.25b: Guest Lecturers Photos with Captions 2023 2024-04-12
430 Annex 4.38ac: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2019, Working Procedures of Selection Committee. (pp. 10-11) 2024-04-12
431 Annex 4.38ba: Class Routine of MBA &BBA Program 2024-04-12
432 Annex 4.43b: Annual Budget for 2019/2020 2024-04-12
433 Annex 4.44a: MUSOM Annual Plan of Action 2023, Faculty Priorities, Development Programs of MUSOM (pp. 11-13) 2024-04-12
434 Annex 5.47a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2019; MUSOM RMC Guideline and Procedures (PP. 50- 56) 2024-04-12
435 Annex 5.48a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines – 2023; GRP manual (see114-123). 2024-04-12
436 Annex 5.49a: Strategic Thrusts of MUSOM; Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (2076-2086 BS), (P. 15) 2024-04-12
437 Annex 5.50a: Notice of MUSOM on Allocation of GRP/UGRP Supervisors 2024-04-12
438 Annex 5.50b: Letter of Confirmation of MPhil Research Scholars of Faculty of Management MPhil and PhD Program, Mid-West University. 2024-04-12
439 Annex 5.59c: MUSOM Annual Budget 2019/2020. 2024-04-12
440 Annex 5. 59f: Photo of MUSOM Primary Health Care. 2024-04-12
441 Annex 7.103a: The MUSOM Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines - 2023, (pp 72-73). 2024-04-12
442 Annex 12b: Structure and Job of Department as written in Operating Regulations and Implementation Guidelines 2023 2024-04-12
443 Annex 13b: A Copy of BBA Entrepreneurship Program 2024-04-12
444 Annex 14a: The MUSOM Academic Operating and Development Implementation Guidelines 2023 2024-04-12
445 Final SSR Report-2023 2024-04-12
446 PRT VISIT Response Report 2024-04-12
447 MUSOM Organogram 2024-04-12
448 Human Resource Development Action Plan 2024-04-12
449 Strategies for Increasing Student Enrollment in BHM and Reducing Dropout 2023 2024-04-12
450 ANNEX FOR PRT 2024-04-12
451 Policy for Review of Plan, Policy, & Periodic Achievements 2023 2024-04-12
452 Communication and IT Skill Development and class routine 2024-04-12
453 Annex 3.1: List of full time and part time faculty and existing class routine 2024-04-12
454 Annual Budget 2080 2024-04-12
455 Annual Action Plan for Department of Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship-2023/2024 2024-04-12
456 NepJOL form filled up and articles sent to NepJOL for the publication. 2024-04-12
457 A photo of the showcase 2024-04-12
458 Letter for e-resources and screenshot 2024-04-12
459 A letter from university 2024-04-12
460 Policy 2024-04-12
461 Schedule 2024-04-12
462 Tracer study report 2024-04-12
463 Student satisfaction survey form 2024-04-12
464 Annual plan for ECA 2024-04-12
465 Screenshot of Google form and link 2024-04-12
466 Screenshot of google form 2024-04-12
467 Follow up Response Report 2024-04-12
468 Final SSR Report-2023 2024-04-12
469 Annex 5.62c: Visuals of the Major Extension Activities of MUSOM 2024-04-14
470 Annex 6.64aa: MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (p. 16). 2024-04-14
471 Annex 6.77a: MUSOM Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2030 (p. 20). 2024-04-14
472 Final SSR Report-2023 2024-04-14
474 Annual Report-2020 2024-04-14
475 Annual Report-2021 2024-04-14
476 Annual Report-2022 2024-04-14
477 Cover Annual Report 2024-04-14
478 MUSOM Annual Plan of Action-2023 2024-04-16
479 MUSOM Annual Work Plan for BBA Program-2023 2024-04-16
480 Sustainability Plan 2024-04-16
481 MUSOM Annual Plan of Action and Annual Report 2024-04-16
482 Calendar 2024-04-25
483 Formal Mechanism for public informaton 2024-04-30
484 Consultancy Policy and Procedures 2023 2024-04-30
485 Policy for Review of Plan ,Policy and Periodic Achievements 2023 2024-04-30
486 Policy for Student Satisfaction and Feedback Collection and Analysis 2023 2024-04-30
487 Strategies to Attract Excellent Students, Identify Slow Learners, and Increase Pass Percentage 2023 2024-04-30
488 Infrastructure Usage and Maintenance Policy and Plan 2023 2024-04-30
489 MUSOM Human Resource Plan 2023-2028 2024-04-30
490 Counseling and Placement Policy 2023 2024-04-30
492 Guidelines for Conducting BBA and MBA Visit Program 2023 Industrial/Community/Field 2024-04-30
493 Bachelor and Master Program Entrance and admission Procedures 2023 2024-04-30
494 Innovation and startup 2024-04-30
495 Operating Guidelines 2024-04-30


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